Expert Advice

For Sale 1589 Fanshawe Park Rd. E. London, Ontario

land residential development

For Sale 1589 Fanshawe Park Rd. E. London, Ontario
8.5 Acres | Asking $6,495,000

A rare opportunity is now available to acquire over 8.0 acres of land waiting to be developed as a next-to-nature residential subdivision.  Adjacent to the Cedar Hollow subdivision, the acreage is surrounded on two sides by a treed, park-like area.  This environment will facilitate development of a high-demand product for discerning home buyers.



Asking Price:


Property Size:

+/- 8.5 acres (source Teranet)
Zoning: UR4 – 8.2 acres

R3-3, OC4 – 0.3 acres

Official Plan: Neighbourhoods, Kilally North policy area
Urban Growth Boundary: site is inside
Legal Description: Part Lot 8 Plan 91 as in G33284;S/T
59110LY: London Twp
PIN: 081460083   ROLL# 393609044023900



For Further Information Please Contact:

Mike Evans, Broker

Rick Odegaard, Broker of Record


Truck Specialized Repair Business in London, Ontario For Sale

Truck Specialized Repair Business in London, Ontario For Sale

Businesses for Sale

In operation for many years, this business provides specialized Truck and car repair services. The company is recognized as an expert in its field. The business has a large and loyal customer base, which includes entities that are significant in size. Over the years, the Company demonstrated consistent revenue and profit streams.

The owners wish to sell the assets of the company. In addition, the building can be purchased or leased. Comprehensive training, if required, will be provided by the owners to assure a smooth transition.  The Vendor will provide a small VTB if required provided there is enough collateral offered and reasonable interest.

This is an ideal opportunity for either a strategic industry buyer or a well-financed individual investor who is willing to hire appropriate management to operate the business. This well-established, profitable business may also appeal to a buyer who has previous experience with automotive repair and who seeks to become an independent business owner.

Transaction Information:

Asking Price:
Business Equipment and Goodwill $    920,000
Current Assets (at actual) Estimated $    230,000
Total Business Assets $ 1,150,000
Building can be leased $44,000/year
Building Selling Price $    700,000
Revenue: $ 1,300,000
EBITDA (Normalized, after rent): $    290,000
Sellers DE (Normalized): $    425,000
Employees: 7 (incl. 3 owners)

For Further Information Please Contact:

Mike Evans Salesperson 519-673-2156

Rick Odegaard Broker of Record 519-854-4661

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